About The Owner
Nicole Sellars
For as long as I can remember, I have always been someone who wanted to help others; to give more in whatever ways that I could- even if it meant neglecting myself.
You see, the truth is, it’s easier to take care of others than it is to take care of ourselves…
Work needs to get done.
The laundry is piling up.
The kids have soccer practice.
Your friends want to see you this weekend (even though you’re exhausted).
Bills need to get paid.
(Sound familiar?)
The list goes on...
But all of that changed for me when I realized that to truly restore my own health, my own vitality, and my own well-being… I needed to take care of the one person who had fallen all the way down the list. I had to take care, of ME.
This realization lead me on a journey of self-care and healing. I went down several paths to do so- but one of the most profound ones was finally learning to truly care for my body...and for my skin.
In 2005, I began using skincare as a medium to help others, much like I had myself. After suffering from adult acne at the age of 26, I knew needed to learn how to take care of my skin in the “right” way. Being confident with how your skin looks and feels is an important part of your self-image, and it can determine how you show up in the world, connect with others and see yourself. (All vital components to self-care.)
Soon after, I decided that adding massage and bodywork into my treatments would allow me to offer my clients the opportunity to understand their body as a whole, allowing for more space + healing to occur through our work together.
The more I worked with people (women especially) the more I came to find that all of my clients suffered from the same lack of self-care that I had. It became my mission to create a place for them where they could come to RESTORE themselves, outside of their busy lives with expectations, deadlines and to-do’s.
The last year of my business has been the most important- I’ve truly created a place for people to come and find some respite in the midst of their chaotic lives. A place for them to take care of themselves, heal their skin + bodies, and go back out into the world feeling rejuvenated, confident and glowing.
I specialize in anti-aging skincare to treat the changes your skin experiences. Whether your skin is dry, oily, dull looking or you’re seeing signs of aging, I can help you understand what is going on and create a plan to reach your goals in a holistic manner that takes all of you into consideration- mind, body and spirit.
In massage and bodywork, I specialize in head, neck, shoulder and back pain. Whether you have had an accident, injury, chronic pain, or lifestyle, I am here to help bring your body back to a balanced, pain-free state.
Being in a state of balance is where all healing occurs, and emotional & physical exhaustion greatly contribute to how our body physically compensates. With that comes stress, which turns into accelerated aging and pain throughout the body… (which none of us really want, do we?)
With my expertise, I am here to show you that skincare and massage are another part of your commitment to your own self-care, and an immensely powerful part of your journey to healing, confidence, and most importantly… restoration.